
Thursday 8 November 2012

PCS Hustings

It was lovely to be in Corby yesterday to be present at the PCS hustings. Surprisingly enough Labour, Lib Dem and Conservative declined to be there, with only the Conservatives sending a statement, which was roundly denounced by the members present. The UKIP candidate got stuck in traffic, which I think is a bit disorganised. If I can drive up from London and make it on time, then someone who lives nearby should really not have a problem getting there on time. There were three candidates, myself, Jonathan Hornett, for the Greens and Adam Lotun for Democracy 2015. The far right candidates according to the PCS ie the English Democrats and the BNP were not invited. There were plenty of questions, one of them was relating to retirement age. As we are the party that supports full employment, retirement age should not be a problem. 60 is very reasonable and we support that for full employment in the future. The Green party candidate felt that people should work longer, we don't agree with that. All in all a very good evening. I would like to again say thank you for being invited and hope that anyone who has any further questions can contact me using the links on the blog.

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