
Thursday, 7 February 2013

Occupy Occupy, Brewmaster & Eastleigh By-election

A couple of us will be dropping in on this tomorrow:

Occupy economics working group
Land Value capture discussion
Friday, 8 February 5pm to 7pm

Friends House
173-177 Euston Road
London NW1 2BJ

Meanwhile, Robin Smith will be holding fort at The Brewmaster from 5.30 onwards:

Near Leicester Square Tube Station
37 Cranbourne Street
London WC2H 7AD

I'll try and drop in later on, around 7.30 or so.

And if there are no other takers, Robin will be standing for us in the Eastleigh by-election.


  1. Im too busy unfortunately. The Not FIT for purpose GMC organisation is taking too much of my time

  2. KUTGW Mr North.

    I'm afraid you buggers have got me then! :)
