
Tuesday 27 August 2013

Beyond satire

From The Daily Mail:

Councils will need to build thousands more bungalows to deal with a ‘critical’ problem in housing Britain’s elderly, ministers say.

Advice issued to planners this week will highlight the need to match the supply of local accommodation to the needs of an ageing population looking to live independently for longer.

Half of new households created in the coming years will be over-65s, while the 85-plus population will soar from 1.4million to 3.7million by the mid-2030s, many with chronic conditions or disabilities.

Because you just can't imagine the likes of the Mail running an article like this:

Councils will need to build thousands more flats and homes to deal with a ‘critical’ problem in housing Britain’s young workers and young families, ministers say.

Advice issued to planners this week will highlight the need to match the supply of local accommodation to the needs of the priced-out generation looking to live independently.

Half of new households created in the coming years will be under-25s, while the number of under-40s forced to rent undersized accommodation will soar to 10 million by the mid-2030s, many living in cramped or unhealthy housing owned by the over-65s.

without there being the usual endless wailing and gnashing of dentures about The Hallowed Green Belt and Pressure On Local Services.

H/t Khards at HPC.

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