
Monday 13 October 2014

This is what we are up against...

Spotted by Ben W at thebureauinvestigates:

On February 5 Tory and Labour MPs complained in the Commons that London’s housing market was “being turned into a Klondike for wealthy foreigners” with “less than 10% of available properties for sale … affordable to a [family] on average wages” and tenants forced to pay “extortionate rents”.

A few hours later the then housing minister sat down to dine with one of central London’s largest residential landlords and two other men whose companies operate in the top end of the London property market.

According to a seating plan for the Tory annual winter fundraiser, which has been analysed by the Bureau, they were amongst 50 attendees with links to the property industry, representing almost 10% of the total guests listed on the seating plan.

Two wealthy property tycoons and one of London’s biggest hereditary landowners are listed on the same table as David and Samantha Cameron…

In the past two years property companies donating for the first time have contributed more than £800,000 to Tory coffers. In addition some long-term supporters from the property sector have increased their donations.

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