
Thursday 27 November 2014

YPP Friday Meet-up, Friday 28 November.

1. Two of us went to this demo on Monday, we handed out a few leaflets, I did a quick speech and we had a collaborative chat with the Something New Party in the pub afterwards.

2. The app is finally taking shape and should be ready in a couple of weeks.

3. YPP meet-up tomorrow 28 November - The Brewmaster nr Leicester Square Tube (Exit 1 and turn left at the top of the stairs into "St Martin's Court") from about 5.20 onwards. We put a yellow YPP leaflet on the table so that you can recognise us. Given how cold it is, we might have to retreat inside.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Please take part in the Generation Rent email campaigns

Email Vince Cable here re letting agent fees.

Email your MP using this template re revenge evictions, preferably by today or tomorrow.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Reader's Letter Of The Day

From yesterday's Evening Standard:

Richard Godwin is right about my golden-oldie generation having “the best of all worlds”. And we never had to go to war either. Of course most of us didn’t go to university and many began work at 16, so we have been in the world of work for more than half a century and chances are we no longer have a mortgage.

Laws that favour property ownership are embraced by the main parties, which lack any will for real change. The best we can do is downsize or take or some kind of equity release to get our children on the housing ladder, but that means our privileges are handed down, perpetuating inequality.

Roger Williams

Thursday 20 November 2014

YPP meet-up Friday 21 November

As usual, The Brewmaster nr Leicester Square Tube (Exit 1 and turn left at the top of the stairs into "St Martin's Court") from 5.20 onwards.

We'll put a yellow YPP leaflet on the table so that you can recognise us.

Given how cold it is, we might have to retreat inside.

Agenda: moaning about how cold it is outside.

Monday 17 November 2014

Thursday 13 November 2014

YPP meet-up, Friday 14 November

As usual, The Brewmaster nr Leicester Square Tube (Exit 1 and turn left at the top of the stairs into "St Martin's Court") from 5.20 onwards.

We put a yellow YPP leaflet on the table so that you can recognise us.

Given how cold it is, we might have to retreat inside.

Agenda: The 2015 Constitutionalists UK Party, Something New Party, the Pirate Party, the app.

Friday 7 November 2014

Like lambs to the slaughter

From City AM:

Private landlords’ property is worth £930bn – and is set to reach £1 trillion next year on the sustained rise in UK house prices, according to estimates by Kent Reliance...

And that has accelerated in the past year, thanks to rocketing prices. The average return over the past year in London was 21.4 per cent, with 16.4 percentage points of that coming from price rises.

“Private renting isn’t a flash in the pan, and 80 per cent of new households since 2001 have been accounted for in rental properties,” said Andy Golding, chief executive of OneSavings Bank which owns the Kent Reliance brand.

“While for many it is a lifestyle choice, the ongoing squeeze on wages, rising house prices, not to mention difficulty in obtaining sufficient mortgage finance is accentuating this shift in tenure from owner-occupation to long-term renting.

"In many ways, Britain is becoming a more normal nation, much more like its continental neighbours as a result."

Apart from the fact that most of our "continental neighbours" have rent controls, of course...

Thursday 6 November 2014

YPP meet-up, Friday 7 November

I suggest, as ever, the Brewmaster nr Leicester Square (Exit 1 and turn left at the top of the stairs into "St Martin's Court"). We put a yellow YPP leaflet on the table so that you can recognise us.

Given how cold it is, we might have to retreat inside.

Agenda: The 2015 Constitutionalists UK Party.