1. It looks like lovely weather for a Friday meet-up tomorrow.
2. We'll be at The Brewmaster nr Leicester Square from 5.20 until 6.30 or so, if you think you'll turn up later than 6.30, please get in touch gmwadsworth@gmail.com or 07954 59 07 44.
Leicester Square Tube Exit 1, turn left and left again into the alleyway (St Martin's Court). We put a yellow YPP leaflet on the table so that you can find us.
3. Topic - should YPP adopt the policy that rejoining EFTA/EEA is the best compromise, seeing how close the referendum result was? Some people say we should steer well clear of having a position either way.
Thursday, 19 April 2018
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Thursday, 5 April 2018
YPP (London) meet-up, tomorrow Friday 6 April
1. It looks like it will be warm enough again tomorrow for a Friday meet-up, after six long months shivering in the dark.
2. We'll be at The Brewmaster nr Leicester Square from 5.20 until 6.30 or so, if you think you'll turn up later than 6.30, please get in touch gmwadsworth@gmail.com or
07954 59 07 44.
Leicester Square Tube Exit 1, turn left and left again into the alleyway (St Martin's Court). We put a yellow YPP leaflet on the table so that you can find us.
2. We'll be at The Brewmaster nr Leicester Square from 5.20 until 6.30 or so, if you think you'll turn up later than 6.30, please get in touch gmwadsworth@gmail.com or
07954 59 07 44.
Leicester Square Tube Exit 1, turn left and left again into the alleyway (St Martin's Court). We put a yellow YPP leaflet on the table so that you can find us.