
Thursday, 30 August 2018

YPP London meet-up, Friday 31 August

1. We'll be at the Brewmaster from 5.20 onwards for an hour or two. Leicester Sq Tube, exit 1, left and left again into the alleyway, look out for the yellow leaflet on the table.

2. Ring or text me if you'll be running late 07954 59 07 44,

Thursday, 23 August 2018

YPP London meet-up, tomorrow Friday 24 August

1. We'll be at the Brewmaster from 5.20 onwards for an hour or two. Leicester Sq Tube, exit 1, left and left again into the alleyway, look out for the yellow leaflet on the table.

2. Ring or text me if you'll be running late 07954 59 07 44,

Thursday, 2 August 2018

YPP London meet-up, Friday 3 August

1. We'll be at the Brewmaster from 5.20 onwards for an hour or two. Leicester Sq Tube, exit 1, left and left again into the alleyway, look out for the yellow leaflet on the table.

2. New leaflet(s). Draft versions complete with typo's here. We've got to tread the fine line between left wing and right wing i.e. the Georgist way. In other words, saying that rent controls would dampen land speculation but emphasise that they are a second best solution to LVT and reducing taxes on output and employment.

3. Ring or text me if you'll be running late 07954 59 07 44.