
Join and support

We are duly registered with The Electoral Commission (you can look us up here). All subscriptions and other income will be held in a bank account and a PayPal account in the name of "Young People's Party YPP" and will be used only to meet legitimate Party expenses.

Our main strategy is putting up candidates in elections, see Our strategy. Standing in local election is free, but each candidate in a General Election has to pay a £500 deposit which you only get back if you poll more than 5% of the votes, and we are a long way off that. (Standing in Assembly elections is even more expensive and not a realistic option for now).

We can't expect our candidates to pay the £500 deposits themselves, so our main expense is paying these for them (or as much as we can afford). Basically, for every ten people who pay a £12 subscription each year, we can pay the deposit for one candidate at the next General Election.

If you are already a member of a political party and you'd like to nudge them towards Land Value tax and Georgism without becoming a member of YPP, then please make a donation!

Bank transfer

Account name: Young People's Party YPP
Account number: 03151271
Sort code: 20-71-75
Barclays Bank plc
27 Regent Street
London SW1Y 4NQ

PayPal or debit/credit card

Click here and follow the usual instructions:

By post or email

Right click the jpg form below and "Save target as" or "Download linked file", print it off, complete it and post it to us at 106 Queens Road, Buckhurst Hill, Essex IG9 5BS or scan it in and send it to us by email. Or just send us your details by post or email, confirming your payment details.